Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Things to Consider: Seasons and Closed Doors

(I do not own this pic)

Ecclesiates 3:1. There is a time and a season for every activity under the sun.
Are you complaining about feeling left out, pushed aside, or not included when you really should be thankful for a season of rest?

Something to Consider: The seasons of life require that we sometimes enter a period of dormancy, inactivity, rest, veiled (concealed, hidden, obscure). Don’t confuse your season of dormancy with death.

Also consider:  Even if the motive of the other party is to hold you back or exclude you, there are two questions you can ask yourself and move forward accordingly.
1.   What could be the enemy’s desire while you are seemingly in the background?
We can all easily come up with the answer to that question!  But an even better question to ask would be:

2.   What could be God’s desire or to what advantage could God use your season of dormancy? Feeling excluded is also to feel somewhat isolated, but there are blessings that can be found in your season of isolation.
a.    Rest
b.   Replenishing & Restoration
c.    Reconnecting with God on a deeper more personal level
d.   Preparation for your next assignment

Finally: Please be careful that you’re not snatching on a door knob and trying to yank open a door that the Lord has purposely closed and locked.

One reason you might be doing this: You’ve done it before and perfected it. It’s something you’ve mastered and you know you would be a perfect candidate or choice to walk through that door. 

Something to Consider:  If you’ve already mastered it, maybe the closed door is God’s way of leading you in another direction to conquer more territories, instead of allowing you to be territorial over something you have mastered.

Another reason you might be doing this:  You have a right to go through the door. You’ve earned the right to go through the door!

Something to Consider:  If what you’re doing or attempting to do will thwart God’s plan for your life, He will continue to keep the door closed and locked. Seek Him to be sure that you’re not fighting against Him, instead of a perceived enemy.
You may have the right to walk through the door, but also consider that this might not be the right door. It could be that your blessing or answer to prayer is behind a door, just not this one. Many of us can attest to the fact that we’ve spent a lot of time expecting our answer or blessing to come from one way, and when it showed up it was coming from an entirely different direction. Not only that but usually with God, when it does show up it comes out much better than you hoped or thought!

It is true. His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not ours but much higher. He is not only able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask or think, but usually He does exceed abundantly and above all that we can ask or think.

Moving forward: We do know according to scripture that faith without works is dead. We also know that some prayers are answered before we speak, some while we yet speak, some after we have asked, and some after what seems to be a delay.  There will be times when you will seem to be in a fight. But when you begin to feel as if you are hitting your head against a brick wall, or like you’re fighting a different kind of enemy, it might not be an enemy at all!  It may be your Lord trying to get you to realize the season you are in, or to turn your attention away from a door that He has obviously closed, simply to keep you in the center of His Will.

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