Thursday, January 3, 2013


I want you to set some goals this year, but let’s just start with the month of January.  Looking a whole year ahead may be too big of a stretch for you right now, depending on where you are.  Although we walk by faith, we also have to grow in our faith.  We are not all on the same level but we can all have amazing results from our faith. So I recommend the advice that Steve Harvey gave on his show.  “Inch by inch, anything’s a cinch.”

What would you like to have accomplished by January 31st?
How much money can you save by then?
How much weight can you lose? Or what kind of healthy changes can you make by then?
What area of your life would you like to see improvement on?
Is there something you’d like to try by then? A new food? Going out to dinner [and a movie] by yourself? (Believe it or not the thought of this scares the mess out of some people.)
Whatever your goal, set it.  Don’t think of your goal as “big”, or “small”.  Part of the BIGLife mindset is that we’re making a BIG deal out of living.  Everything we do is a BIG DEAL! A better word might be “reasonable”.  Pretty sure I won’t save 2000.00 by January 31st, Or lose 75 pounds by then!
But a reasonable goal for saving money for the month of January, may be a certain amount, or if it’s a huge challenge for you, it may be simply to SAVE SOMETHING.   If you’re messy with money, it may be to make the entire month without any overdrafts in your checking account.
You may not lose 15 pounds this month, or even 5.  But what if you set a goal that you will drink more water?  Or less pop, or coffee?  What if you decided that you will add something green or fruit to your food intake?  Get my drift?
Once you set that goal, whatever it is, your next step is to decide what it will take to make it happen.  And then the challenging part starts…DOING IT DOGGONE IT!  J
This is where you’ll have to MAKE yourself do what’s needed.  If you’re scared, do it.  If you’re suddenly feeling down in your emotions, do it.  If you’re having doubts, do it, even if doing it may require you to make an adjustment to the goal.  I didn’t say do away with the goal, but adjust. Please understand though that adjusting the goal may not take the fear away. Start where ever you need to start and get it done.
If you’re hardheaded and you know it, you may have to do week by week goals. Whatever works best for you, monthly, weekly, or by the end of the day, set a goal, and go after it.  You can do this!

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